Unleashing people potential, driving a healthy culture and enabling profitable performance in Financial Services.

Extremely effective performance management system, with seamless integrations and unbelievably helpful insights delivering a high performance, healthy and purposeful culture.

The performance platform for financial services that people love to use.
A city scape shot showing numerous building set against greenery in frankli's navy colour brand palette.

With increased scale and complexity of financial market activity and ever higher regulatory demands, it's increasingly challenging to develop and maintain the appropriate governance frameworks to drive business growth while embedding and evidencing a positive conduct culture within the business.

Frankli allows firms operating within the financial services sector to both drive business performance and manage employees’ behaviours, to help ensure transparency and openness on what's required to create a high performance, purposeful culture while managing market conduct risk.

With Frankli, your people are supported everyday in their efforts to drive growth and to meet the regulatory standards within your organisation. The platform ensures everyone is clear on their objectives and meets their obligations' such as completing annual AML training. Frankli also ensures that all those critical conversations are happening to drive the right results and the right behaviours, to support compliance through evidence and documentation & to empower people right across the organisation.

Join the 1000's of others already benefiting from the power of a platform that centralises performance reviews, 1:1's, compliance, documentation & regulatory training goals and so much more.
Frankli, find what works faster
main image showcasing screenshots of the overall frankli  performance & engagement platform across multiple devices
Progressive high-performing financial companies experience better outcomes.
2 .7x
More likely to engage your people
More likely to meet financial targets
2 .2x
More likely to be top performers compared with the competition
2 .2x
 More likely to improve efficiency and compliance
Customers, Investors and the public want to see financial firms present evidence of ‘purposeful culture’, not as just a slogan on a brochure, but by giving direct and authentic answers to public questions
Extract from the book 'Cultural audit in Financial services

Dr Roger Miles
Roger Miles
Behaviour at Risk (BaR) insight;
Oxford Scholar, PhD, FRSA, Author

Frankli's Performance Playbook

We put forward-looking, continuous performance and culture conversations at the heart of your organisation.

Grow High-Performing Teams

Create a high-performance, customer-centric organisation with meaningful and continuous performance conversations ensuring KPIs are delivered daily. Drive organisation-wide engagement & give a voice to employees. 
a group of professional workers sat around a board room table reviewing a presentation on screen

Make Better Decisions

Unfiltered feedback. Unbiased data. Unbelievably helpful insights for high-performance regulated cultures. Create the real-time multi-sourced data analytics for informed decision-making.
A professional shot of two people having a one on one conversation in person across a table

Clarity on Goals and Priorities

Facilitate strategy cascade and aligned goal-setting. Ensure everyone is clear on their personal role priorities, team goals, regulatory obligations and KPI’s.
An over the shoulder shot of someone using a laptop with the frankli goal setting product active on screen

Strengthen Organisation Capability

Support Leadership to lead and drive performance. Ensure every person has the skills and capability required to do their role. Facilitate coaching & mentoring processes across the entire front and back office. Ensure everyone has a learning and development plan in place.
An image of two professional women engaged in an active mentoring conversation in person

Achieve Improved Diversity And Inclusion

With a proactive, consistent focus, progress is achieved. Actively manage talent pipelines ensure development plans in place and all the talent is adequately visible for each promotion and appointment opportunity.“What Gets Measured Get Done”
A group of professionals sitting around a meeting table with a number of laptop computers in the shot
Seamless Integrations

Frankli integrates where your work happens

We make it easy for people to update goals, give feedback and receive praise directly from their existing tools and workflows. Frankli is API Lead by Design so we can act as a Standalone or Integrate with the other tools people are working with.
A collection of company logos depicting the HR & workflow tools that frankli integrates with to provide its services
and many more!
black hand drawn arrow used throughout the frankli.io website to visualise specific sections

Our Latest Thinking

Find what works faster

Have a question on Frankli?

Our team are happy to arrange a quick call to answer any questions you may have.
A group of professionals sitting around a meeting table with a number of laptop computers in the shot

Start building your high performance culture today.