Performance Review Template: 39 Self Reflection Questions

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When it comes to creating performance review surveys, a template can really speed up the process, which is why, today, we're sharing a handy collection of self reflection questions.

Self reflection plays a critical role in the 360-degree review process, providing employees with an opportunity to share their perspective, and highlight challenges or achievements that might get overlooked in manager or peer reviews.

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We're huge fans of 360-degree reviews here at Frankli - so much so, that we've developed a dynamic tool to make this type of review more efficient and easier to run. But don't worry if you don't have access to our platform yet, you can still view our performance review template below and as a free download.

Our templates have been designed, not only to make the appraisal process faster, but to optimise the results! Working with the latest research in organisational psychology, we've developed questions that paint a really detailed, well-rounded picture of the subject.

(If you'd like our full 360 degree review template, including sample questions for manager, upward and peer reviews, as well as self reflection questions you'll find it here.)

Creating a review cycle in Frankli, digital performance reviews
Creating a review cycle in Frankli

What is a Self Reflection?

Sometimes called a self evaluation, self assessment or self appraisal, a self reflection is a critical part of the performance review process in which the employee reflects on their own contribution to the company and explores how they can improve. It gives the employee an opportunity to share their perspective, celebrate milestones, highlight unseen labour, report blockers and identify what needs to change.

You'll find answers to more frequently-asked questions on performance reviews here. Now let's dive into the questions!

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Performance Review Template: Self-Reflection Questions

Likert Scale Questions:

(The participant will be asked to select Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree or Strongly Disagree)

I have met all my goals for this quarter.

I have consistently delivered high quality and impactful work.

I have improved my productivity this quarter.

I have improved my efficiency this quarter.

I exemplified company values this quarter.

I demonstrated skill development over this review period.I adapt well to changing priorities.

I am an effective communicator and I demonstrate strong listening skills.

I prioritise my workload effectively and meet deadlines.

Open-Ended Questions:

To what extent did you meet your goals for the quarter?

To what extent did you meet your KPIs for the quarter?

How did your actions contribute to the success and effectiveness of your team?

What accomplishments are you proud of?

How well do you listen and communicate with others?

Provide an example of one company value you bring to life.

What areas of your role could you improve?

What should your goals be for the next quarter?

Do you have any concerns about your role?

What have you accomplished in the past few months? Please be specific.

How have you demonstrated development over this review period? Give some examples of how you have grown.

Where would you like to focus further development? Describe how you plan to get there.

What elements of your role interest you the most and what elements interest you the least?

What have you done this quarter to improve your productivity?

What have you done this quarter to improve your efficiency?

List 2 or 3 competencies that you have demonstrated development in this quarter.

Which competencies would you most like to improve on in the next quarter?

Do you feel valued in your role?

What areas do you feel you've excelled in over the review period?

What do you think were the key factors which helped you excel in these areas?

What areas do you feel you've succeeded in over the review period?

What steps will you take to improve over the next period? How could you be best supported to do so?

What challenges did you face which may have hindered your progress during this period?

How have you demonstrated the brand pillars this quarter?

What are three areas in which you would like to develop to continue growing at this company?

What is the company value you most exemplified this quarter? Please give examples of how.

What is one thing you feel you should stop doing?

What is one thing you feel you should start doing?

What is one thing you feel you should continue doing?

In which projects and areas do you think your skills would add the most value next quarter?

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